Food Service

High School Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Middle School Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Elementary School Breakfast and Lunch Menus

School Lunch Prices for 2023-24

Grades K-5 - Breakfast $2.50; Reduced $0.30 -  Lunch $3.00; Reduced $0.40
Grades 6-8 - Breakfast $2.50; Reduced $0.30 -  Lunch $3.75; Reduced $0.40
Grades 9-12 Breakfast $2.50; Reduced $0.30 - Lunch/$3.75; Reduced $0.40
Adult Breakfast - $2.75/Adult Lunch - $4.75

Extra/Ala Carte Items:

Student Milk $ .75
Adult Milk $ .75
Sandwich/Main Dish $2.50
Sparkling Ice $2.00
Pizza - per slice $2.50
Gatorade/bottle $2.00
Water $1.00